Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Cleaning Tips

So I have been lacking in this blog. But I have been working on getting organized.
Just want to share a few things that I have been doing to freshen up my home for spring.

This stuff is amazing.  NEVER BUY DRANO AGAIN! Combined with baking soda down the drain, on a wet rag to clean animal stains and odors and I hear it is wonderful on tile grout (haven't tried it yet but we'll see...) Also, microwave a bowl of this with 1/4 vinegar 3/4 water for 3 minutes.  Let steam for 5 minutes then wipe that baby down.  You will be amazed, my friends.

I love pouring this in with my whites and it freshens my whole house and my socks always look brand new!

Use these on counter tops.  Nuff said.

Use something like this or these...
in your pantry to hold bags and small items (granola, 100 cal packs, loaves of bread. etc) It streamlines your pantry.  Use them in the bathroom for loose items.  

This is kind of boring but if a clean house decreases your stress like it does for me, use little cheap solutions to make you more productive and relaxed.  You'll be surprised how much better you feel living in your own home!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ode to my iPad. Very excited about this beautiful thing. I also got Holly a little t-shirt from target that says "I heart my mummy" on it. She is the cutest. Photo's to come when I figure this machine out. I am blogging from it right now though!! Victory! Recent things I've done that I need to upload pictures of, be looking for them.... In no particular order Cheesy Bean dip Fall wreath Banana bread Meatloaf Potato chips Canvas art And... When I finish it... After I paint my living room... My photo collage. If it ever gets finished!! Blessing to you,

Monday, August 8, 2011

still learning

Still learning about this blog stuff. But, in typical me form I feel I will wait and figure it out on my own rather than ask questions or do any outside reading. Please, someone else be the same way.

Started my morning making coffee. Yes it's true, coffee and I are in love. It's a very deep connection; we are borderline codependent.

I was very proud of myself that I put a bunch of laundry away before going to work. (SNAPS for me!)

Came home and clipped some coupons.  Here is my feeling on grocery shopping.  Yes, I do grocery shop religiously every week and I enjoy it.  I do not pinch it on my groceries because if I don't get yummy things, we'll just eat out which would be significantly more expensive. So there you go.  Get the food you want.
My secret tip I've just learned- buy the bagels from the bakery section, they are better quality, not as gluey tasting and they are the same price if not cheaper than Thomas or Sallie May etc.

Holly is getting antsy and barking at the sliding door.  The second she hears another dog outside she is on the case. I think she knows a thunderstorm is coming.  She loves to snuggle her fear away during thunderstorms. Which is good because I hate storms too.  Morgan just smiles at us and shakes his head, as only he can do.

Tacos tonight. what are you having for dinner?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Introduction to me.

I'll make this short and sweet because no one wants to read a long blog especially from me.  SO HERE WE GO!

After church I lounged watching Netflix, fighting a migraine. I may suggest the best medicine for a migraine. Here you go:
guilty pleasure television
fluffy pillow
a bowl of ice cream
snuggling with an adorable puppy like Holly.

It also helps when your husband waits on you hand and foot

I can think of no better way to begin my blog than with this little nugget of happiness who jumped in my parent's bike bag.